U3A Melbourne City

Radio Stories are podcasts* created by members of the Scriptwriters course at U3A Melbourne City.
Each of our episodes contains 3-4 pieces – mini-dramas, monologues, reminiscences, comic pieces – professionally narrated and complete with music and sound effects. It’s like a movie but without the picture. You can’t watch a movie while driving or doing the housework, but you can certainly listen to our podcasts! Each episode has a theme, and you can expect ghost stories, children’s stories, war stories, exciting dramas, a bit of everything.
U3A Scriptwriters are always looking for new members!! We meet on Zoom every Thursday afternoon during Victorian school terms, and we also meet up regularly for lunch in the city. To join us, all you need is to join U3A Melbourne City (click here to go to the “Join Us” page). There are no further enrolment fees to be part of our group.
Check us out – we have a lot of fun! To get in touch, contact us on: scriptwriters@u3amelbcity.org.au

Stories, drama, and comedy from U3A Melbourne City Scriptwriters
Ellen Kelly (mother of Ned Kelly) speaks!

Click on the icons below to access our episodes on your favourite Podcast website.
*What is a Podcast?
Podcasts are similar to radio shows which you can download to your computer or mobile phone. They have become an extremely popular form of audio entertainment. A podcast usually consists of a series of programs which are published episode-by-episode online, so subscribers can download and listen to each episode at a time that suits them.